Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Hello, My Name Is...

Hey. My name is Justin and I'm getting the ball rolling here with my first post. I live in D.C. and write for a community newspaper in Northern Virginia. I am what I like to to refer to as a redshirt senior at a University in the District. It's been a long process. Don't ask. Oh, you aren't? Good.

Anyways, this blog honestly will just be mostly about my thoughts on the topics of the day, whether it's politics, sports, etc. (When I say "topics of the day," I realize it infers that I will update this daily. Since you don't know me, let's just call that optimistic. But whatever, it's quality, not quantity right??)

So right about now, you're thinking "Why should I give a shit about what this guy has to say?" Believe me, I don't blame you. There is so much noise emanating from so many different platforms that they're sounding kind of like the grownups in Charlie Brown. But what I have to offer is the voice that I feel is lacking in the chaotic and mostly unreasonable media. The voice that just yearns for political correctness and this new-age, sad-sack, feel-bad-for-yourself-and-hope-someone-else-covers-my-ass culture that is strangling our society to fall by the wayside.

Don't worry. This will not end up being a soapbox for my biased political views. That is what I am revolting against! Come back here if you are seeking a filter. As someone who works inside the very thing we are fighting against, I can help sort out the bullshit and give you a logical medium for an illogical media.

P.S. By the way, I know it's taboo in my profession, but i loathe to edit or proofread my work. I type as my mind goes, so if there are typos or things that may seem off (grammatically or structurally), deal. If the content seems off, however, comment on the post and i'll be more than happy to discuss or debate or just listen what you have to say.

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