Monday, March 23, 2009

What is the Difference?

You tell me. What's the difference between these two statements?

"The process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event -- like a new Pearl Harbor."
-Neoconservative think tank "The Project for a New American Century." This quote was the one trumpeted by multiple media outlets as proof that George W. Bush and his fellow NeoCons were behind 9/11 and wanted start a new era of American imperialism and hegemony.

“Rule one: Never allow a crisis to go to waste. They are opportunities to do big things.”
-Rahm Emanuel, Obama Chief of Staff. Taken from the story "Obama Weighs Quick Undoing of Bush Policy" by Jeff Zeleny, originally published in the New York Times Nov. 9, 2008.

I am not raising this point to defend the Republicans or anything like that, but why was one quote reported heavily and as proof that Republicans are the harbingers of the apocalypse while the other was buried in the news? Why does the media, to this day, defend Emanuel's comments? I know both comments were probably taken out of context, as both comments were probably not intended to come off in that manner but why does the media feel one quote is appropriate and the other not?

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